You who asks for a hand in marriage but really means the whole body.
You who've been raised to think of power as security
Who has been told to guard your feelings less you scar your heart
And to whom honesty is for chumps and Sunday school pushers
What know you of love?
You who are patted and gunned down in these streets
You who are pimped and strung out in these streets
You who are left to die in these streets
What know you of love?
You who believes in winners and losers and survival of the fit
What know you of love?
Of her nudity
And his innocence
What know you of love?
Would you recognize them.
Devoid of make up.
Him, filter, free.
Vulnerable ...
Know of you
of Love?
You who have been taught from the start of a finish,
a winners table with room for one
To be yourself
To be better than the rest
And what does that say of the rest?
Who are the rest?
Who are you?
And ...

...what know you of love?
You who've been taught that salvation is a solitary thing
And that if you dot your holy i's and cross your sanctified t's
Your golden ticket to eternity is stamped and guaranteed,
What know you of you love?
And the hunger that bellows belly deep
In those without shelter for sleep
Their signs you don't read
The promises you can't keep
What know you of forever?
Of permanence
Of security in a world where everything's eating, melting into itself and forming new and exploding old and being born
through dying
What know you of forever?
who like me
Are unmoved by blood and warfare on tv
Who was raised on power and fear and pain
And Hollywood fantasies
You who have been taught that communication ruins the mystery
And for whom over talking kills your vibe
You who've been taught to dialogue in disguise
To surface listen to a bites of a person’s opinion in order to forcefeed them a piece of your own mind
Ignoring the invitation into theirs
What know you of love?
You who hate to dine alone but will anyway out of fear of appearing too thirsty,
For whom love is for the naive, for the weak, for the hopeless romantic?
For whom love does not strengthen community
Does not meld us together.
The lies we (you) spew.