I love you but love don't never be no way to grow patience
To grow up
Don't never be no magic beans,
no solutions,
don't ever offer no healing past hurts you ain't grow over yet.
Grow Up.
It don't speed up
it don't thrust.
just be.
Just be,
standing there looking pretty and conked up like 43. Harlem and “Red” and Revolution,
just standing there,

dipped in red black and green
liberation jumpsuits
turn up with me
Just be sitting there
like sweet potato, apple, peach cobbler and ice cream after triple baked mac and cheese
all greasy and over loved like
devour me,
Engross me.
Encapsulate me, I'm a leech for love
thirsty and lavish in my taste
I want the finest of hearts to bound with
Just be lying there like,
I been waiting for you in this position for what feels like hours
inhaling at every click, every crick, every tick, it been ages Boo and you home now like
jump me,
Love just be ....
Not coming with no manual or money,
no warrantee or return policy,
no exchange for my time and my dignity
Diseased with the plague of insecure insincerities
Lost my empathy,
When love be guiding us down some windy ass paths that
Just ...